Taichung 2014 Day 4 – Ximending before Home Sweet Home

Nothing planned for the day as we knew that the Taiwan mornings were usually least productive as the shops don’t open till noon. As we had a plane to catch at 4pm, we were just taking it in our stride.

Only managed to checked out after 10am and went over to the MRT, having breakfast en-route to the train. There was a area that consolidated some of the shops like a food court and we had some Taiwanese food there.

Breakfast at the train station.
Breakfast at the train station.
Kua Bao, oily but tasty.
Kua Bao, oily but tasty.
Food court in the train station.
Food court in the train station.

Took the MRT one stop down to Ximen stop for the shopping area Ximending.

It seemed like nothing much have changed since we last been there. Ximending was just waking up from its slumber, at 11 plus. Most shops were still closed so we made the most out of the visit by shopping in those that were opened. Spotted some stores selling foodstuff and regretted immediately that we should eaten here instead.

Ximending shopping area.
Ximending shopping area.
50 Lan milk tea from the place of origin. Nice, though ordering it tested my Mandarin.
50 Lan milk tea from the place of origin. Nice, though ordering it tested my Mandarin.
Red Theatre, hasn't changed since I took the same shot.
Red Theatre, hasn’t changed since I took the same shot.

Shopped around till it was 12 and returned to the hotel for our luggage using the MRT. Bought some lunch including one that was named under the Railway company’s name. It wasn’t tasty as we found out after eating but it would do as lunch. Then it was HSR NT150 per pax back to Taoyuan.

Bian Dang box.
Bian Dang box.
What's on the inside.
What’s on the inside.
Railway Bian Dang shop.
Railway Bian Dang shop.

There was a check in served available at Tao Yuan HSR station. It was pretty convenient as we need not tug the luggage to take the shuttle bus back to airport and also proceed to immigration without having to queue at the airport. The only problem was that there were limited counters and had to queue for a bit before getting our tickets.

Used the Wifi at Taoyuan HSR station before hopping on the Ubus 705 (NT30, payment at counter at the line itself, located just outside the entrance) to the airport. Final last minutes shopping for Taiwanese goodies where though these were limited to products from established stores. The shopping area did have a couple of big brand names too and as we found out, were mirror image for both boarding sides.

Waited at the gate till the boarding that was on time and the rest was a smooth flight home.

This trip meant to be a short one for us to escape Singapore to relax. It could have been longer if not for the expectancy and the uncertainty that comes with traveling pregnant but it met our expectations for the trip. It was also a nice time to return to Taiwan after 5yrs.

Escape to Sun Moon Lake, Taichung in May 2014

A brief summary on the itinerary

Escape Plan to Sun Moon Lake in May 2014:

Total duration 4D3N
Singapore is in the same time zone as Taichung, Taiwan.
Flight time is 4hr45mins direct flight on China Airlines from Singapore to Taipei.
Morning flight on 10th May and arrival in Taipei at 3pm on the same day.

Day 1 Arrival in Taichung
Day 2 Sun Moon Lake
Day 3 Back to Taipei, Raohe Night market and Wu Fen Pu
Day 4 Ximending and Home Sweet Home

This escape plan was to getaway on a long weekend due to Vesak day. Due to wife expecting, we had a change of plan for our long Europe trip into a shorter getaway. Took China Airlines as all the budget airlines were really expensive as we booked very late and close to the travel date. The tickets weren’t out the initial time we saw and we actually intended to book Jetstar. It was until when we wanted to purchase the tickets (after planning) that there was another price hike which forced us to relook again (luckily), and it seemed like an extra trip offered by the airlines, co-sharing with Garuda.

Budget nature: Affordable travel and cheap eats. 

Moving around Taiwan was easy and pretty affordable compared to Singapore. The public transport was cheap, even the taxi was of compatible costs. Of course, expect tourists price at the Sun Moon Lake, but these costs aren’t also sky high.

Eating is definitely cheap, though quantity wise, it was smaller too. But it is so that you can eat as much variety as you move around the night markets. The food is pretty tasty too.

Complexity: Easy to get around

Travelling between cities is really easy, linked by the ultrafast bullet train and MRT networks. Getting to Sun Moon Lake required a bit of reading up although the hotel receptionist and the taxi driver can easily guide you to the long distance coaches. Our main transportation tools at Sun Moon Lake was the ferry but due to time constraints, we did not venture out, which the buses could easily do the job.