Escape Plan to Mactan Island, Cebu May 2016

A brief summary on the itinerary

Escape Plan to Mactan Island, Cebu 2016:

Total duration 4D3N
Singapore is in the same time zone as Cebu.
Flight time is 4.5hrs on Silkair from Singapore to Kalibo with 45mins technical stop before another 30mins flight to Cebu. Return is just 3.5hrs on Silkair direct from Cebu to Singapore.

Morning flight on 21st May at 10am and arrival in Mactan Island at 3:30pm.
Return flight is on the 24th May at 4:15pm and arrival in Singapore at 7:40pm.

Day 1 Arrival at Mactan Island
Day 2 JParks waterpark and beach
Day 3 JParks waterpark and night entertainment
Day 4 Home Sweet Home

This escape plan was planned as a short escape to a beach resort nearby with a toddler during the long weekend (Vesak Day on a Saturday). Though Cebu was more well known for the water activities such as diving and jet skiing, etc, we didn’t do all those. We spent the entire time just in the resort in the waterparks so that the toddler could enjoy the facilities within.

Budget nature: Relatively cheap.

The resort accommodation was not cheap but it wasn’t over the top like other 5 stars hotels. We didn’t spend a lot due to the fact that we weren’t doing a lot in the first place. Prices of food in the restaurant were within expectations, we brought SGD$400 and spent it all and probably overspent by SGD$70 with a spa included.

Complexity: Easy

Especially when the only travel we did was from the airport and back, using the airport transfer. There were other places to go to, such as in Cebu city and the natural attractions but we didn’t.

Escape Plan to Boracay January 2012

A brief summary on the itinerary

Escape Plan to Boracay 2012:

Total duration 3D2N
Singapore is in the same time zone as Boracay.
Flight time is 4hrs on Jetstar from Singapore to Manila and 1hrs on Cebu Pacific from Manila to Caticlan airport Boracay.

Morning flight on 21st January at 2:20am and arrival in Manila at 6:20am, transfer to Cebu pacific at 9am and arrival in Boracay at 10am.
Return flight is on the 23rd January at 4:40pm and arrival in Manila at 5:40pm by Cebu Pacific, transfer to Jetstar 8:35pm flight and arrival at 1235am in Singapore.

Day 1 – Arrival at Boracay and Mt. Luho
Day 2 – Day trip to Crystal Cove Island and snorkeling at sea
Day 3 – Home Sweet home

This escape plan was to get away for the long weekend due to the Chinese New Year. Wanted to go to places where it’s not predominantly Chinese so we chose a place known for it’s beautiful beaches, Boracay. We weren’t there for the scuba diving though it would be one of the nicest dive places (because we can’t scuba).

Budget nature: Affordable

Beach resorts came with touristy prices but in Boracay, it was not over the top, still affordable comparably.

Complexity: Easy to get around on Boracay, different forms of transportation to get there

Having taken 2 flights and an airport transfer, there was still a short trike ride to the jetty and a boat trip to Boracay. Not difficult though.

On Boracay itself, due to the size of the island, getting from place to place is usually in a trike and from station 1 to 3 can be done on foot, strolling on the beach of course!