USA and Caribbean 2012 Day 11 – Christiansted, St. Croix

The cruising days were coming to an end as we headed into St. Croix, the last port of call. This was another part of the US Virgin Islands, the first other one being St. Thomas, which we had visited on the first day of our cruise. Having read up on the available activities for St. Croix, we realized that there was not much to be expected. Our dinner companions had previously visited St. Croix and suggested that we visit Buck’s Island, which was really beautiful isolated island that was worth a visit so that was our objective for the day.

Long walk to land.
Long walk to land.
Coconut trees lined pathway.
Coconut trees lined pathway to the shutter buses.

Once we disembarked, we had to walk a distance from the ship to the mainland and once there, we went to a group of people whom looked very much like transport service providers and asked if they were doing the shuttle from Federiksted to Christiansted, where it was more touristy and where we could board the boat to Buck Island. We bought return tickets and boarded the minivan which was almost full and we were on the 1hr journey to Christiansted.

Shutter bus service to Christiansted.
Shutter bus service to Christiansted.

There wasn’t anything of interest along the way, looked kinda rural and basically full of plantations nor did the driver provided and information on the St. Croix. After a boring ride, we alighted at what appeared to be a quayside location where there were shops selling sea activities and related stuff. We went straight away to Big Beards Adventure tour for the trip to Buck Island but were informed that the next timing for the outgoing trip was at 12.15pm and we were concerned that we would not be able to make the trip back in time so we gave it a miss and tried to go around searching for other alternatives. There were a few other companies that offered trips to Buck Island and all of them actually had their boats out already and it was too late for us. We then went back to Big Beards to book since they also assured that we would be able to make the trip back to our ship.

Danish styled buildings.
Danish styled buildings.

It was still very early and we decided to explore around a bit. The area around pier side was relatively small and after entering one or two shops that sold mostly touristy stuff, and the rest were either not opened yet or not of our interest.

Shopping in Christiansted.
Shopping in Christiansted.
Perhaps an old lighthouse?
Perhaps an old lighthouse?
Wooden planks walkway near the pier.
Wooden planks walkway near the pier.

Walked alongside the sea side and admired the calmness of the sea and the quietness of this small town. Took a seat on the bench overlooking the little island some short distance away in the sea, where there was a beach and a resort on it – Hotel on the Cay. There was a boat that ferried people to the island, probably guests of that resort.

Fort Christiansvaern
Fort Christiansvaern
Hotel on the Cay.
Hotel on the Cay.

For lunch, we were looking for the recommended ones in the “Lonely Planet” but as we tried to locate them using the map in the book, we weren’t able to find them. In the end, we settled for a pier side bar to settle our lunch. It was really windy and came with a nice seaside view.

One of the church had a wedding going on.
One of the church had a wedding going on.
Lunch area with seaside  view.
Lunch area with seaside view.
Boat stop for Big Beards Adventure tour.
Boat stop for Big Beards Adventure tour.

Nearing the time of departure, we went to the meeting place that was informed to us during registration to wait. From a distance we saw a boat coming towards our direction and sure enough, it was Big Beard boat, the morning trippers have returned. We were given a briefing after just before boarding and in no time, we were out at sea going towards Buck Island. And we saw Big Beard too.

Buck Island in view
Buck Island in view

It was really a right choice – the island was isolated and thus had quite a nice stretch of white sandy beach without the crowd. The idyllic view that came with the turquoise sea was all too lovely for us to just sit on the sand and enjoy the water massage as the wave crashed onto the beach. Snorkeling was next after the familiarization in the waters near the island and then it was at the further distance where many corals and fishes could be seen, going in a line that was guided by one of the staff. Waters was a little choppy for our liking but it was worth it.

Peppered clouds provided occasional shade from the sun.
Peppered clouds provided occasional shade from the sun.
Turquoise water against the soft white sand.
Turquoise water against the soft white sand.

The trip felt like it ended as soon as it only started, it was all too enjoyable. Once back on land, the vans were already waiting nearby. We boarded one of them and return to Frederiksted. It was getting late but that didn’t stop us from walking around for a bit before boarding the ship.

Customs but seemed closed.
Customs but seemed closed.
Stalls selling stuff.
Stalls selling stuff.
Clock tower near the pier.
Clock tower near the pier.

The last dinner was eaten with a saddening feeling from realization that our meeting with our dinner companions and the friendly staff was coming to an end. Had quite a bit of conversation on the Buck Island recommendation that we really liked and the travel plans ahead. Then it was farewells and off to prepare for departure the next day. When we return to the cabin, there was an envelope for the gratuities for the staff on board. We didn’t pay any because it was all paid in advance when we booked our tour back in Singapore, thus saving the hassle of carrying cash around.

USA and Caribbean 2012 Day 6 – Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, USVI

The tour of the Caribbean officially started with the first port-of-call being the tax haven city of St. Thomas. I woke up early to see if there were anything glorious to see as the cruise ship moved gently into the calm harbour waters. Nothing much in fact and the skies were kinda dull. Being a tropical zone, rains were expected just like in Singapore. The ship was quite one time as planned disembarkation was to be at 8am. Proceeded to the buffet deck which was one deck below the open top to have breakfast. It was free seating and everyone could come and go as they please. There were a number of food stalls offering quite a variety which was nice since we had eat from the same restaurant for the next 6 days so we could spread the coverage a little.

Intercontinental breakfast available.
Dining area for breakfast.
Snapshot of the ship’s internal – multiple levels of the floating hotel.

We disembarked and went through a few warehouse type of tourists shops till we reached the road. There were taxis that seemed like a converted lorry with rows of benches to ferry tourists around. We told one of the “in-charge” there we were wanted to go to Magen’s bay and he ushered us onto one of them. It wasn’t too far a ride and soon we reached the isolated white sand beach. The costs seemed fixed and was all printed out and placed facing the passengers.

View from the passenger’s seat.
Print list for the various destination.
One typical taxi.
Calm waters and white sand beach. I had to have my feet feel the sand!
And there was this huge bird…
Nice long stretch of beach. It was too early in the day so it was nice and quiet.
As the sun started to peek out from the clouds, the highlighted colours brought to bay to life!

Admiring the view while having a beer at one of the few drinks stall till we thought it was time to see more of Charlotte Amalie. Took the taxi went back to town. Our next stop was to go to Blackbeard’s castle by taking the 99 steps (though there were definitely more) and on the way, pass by the Emancipation garden and Fort Christian.

Bell in the Emancipation Garden.
Vendors’ Plaza – Pasar Malam style.
Red Fort Christian, closed!
The famed 99 steps to the top where Blackbeard’s Castle was situated.

There was some walking distance to the 99 steps and some climbing up to Blackbeard’s Castle. The climb wasn’t difficult as it wasn’t really steep but the beer had got to me somehow and I had to rest while near the top. After the steps, there were a bit more walking on sloped path. We thought we saw the entrance but we didn’t know how to enter as it looked locked and we went around and entered at the back of the property. It seemed like a private property now but there was a bar selling drinks at many statues of famous pirates dotted the small compound. There was a round stone castle column in the middle of the compound and that was about as much of a castle that we got. However, the view was worth the visit. Ordered the drink and just enjoyed the view (the cover page!).

Statues while climbing the 99 steps.
At Blackbeard’s Castle, with a canon in the foreground.
A swimming pool in the castle compound?
Captain Jack Sparrow was here.
Visited the poop deck.
Flags waving in the wind atop the castle.
Welcome to the Blackbeard’s Castle.

It was already running late and we went around to look for lunch. As we walked through the alleys to look for cosy little Glady’s Cafe, one of the top few recommended places on Tripadvisor which served Caribbean cuisine.

Found in one of the many alleys.
Nice old style deco.
Cosy place.
Caribbean cuisine – Kambing with rice

After the filling dinner, we walked off the fullness through shopping! The main shopping street was pretty close to the cruise ship and it was a really long stretch! However, as it was a Sunday, shops were closing at 4pm. I had an item on my shopping list, a Seiko watch that was only available in the American market and I managed to find it after visiting several shops there. It was sold really cheap though I had to negotiate a little with Amazon listed prices and showed to the salesperson. As this was a duty free shopping, things were really cheaper. It was also interesting to find out that there were various Singaporeans who set up stores there selling stuff to the tourists, of all places! Some more last minute shopping and then it was back to the ship, going through the Xray scanners and the also logging in with our access cards.

Shopping street with shops decked on both side of the road.
Back to the cruise.

Since it was still early for dinner which we had to adhere to the prearranged time slot, we went back to the room to take a nap. Dinner was served at the same place and we had the a American family of 6 as company for dinner with a fixed waiter. It was nice to know new friends and we were going to have the same company till the end of cruise. There wasn’t a port of call the next day and we would be just cruising to the next port of call on Xmas day. However, there was a formal dinner the next day also known as the Captain’s reception for Xmas Eve.

Charlotte Amalie port 3
View of port in Charlotte Amalie.

When we returned to the cabin, we were pleasantly surprised.

Nice doggy... where's the towels?
Nice doggy… where’s the towels?

Escape Plan to USA and the Caribbean in December 2012

A brief summary on the itinerary

Escape Plan to USA and the Caribbean in December 2012:

Total duration 21D19N
Singapore is 13hr ahead of New York, USA.
Flight time is 18hrs flight on Emirates from Singapore to Dubai and then to JFK.
Friday evening flight on 18th Dec and arrival in JFK in the evening of the 19th.

Day 1 Flight
Day 2 Arrival at Orlando
Day 3 Epcot Theme Park
Day 4 Island of Adventure
Day 5 Royal Caribbean Cruise boarding at San Juan
Day 6 Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, USVI
Day 7 Cruising
Day 8 Castries, St. Lucia
Day 9 Pointe-a-Pitre, Guadeloupe
Day 10 St. John, Antigua
Day 11 Christiansted, St. Croix
Day 12 San Juan, Puerto Rico and flight to Washington DC
Day 13 Washington DC
Day 14 New York City – Central Park, Times Square countdown
Day 15 New York City – Museum of Natural History, Madison Square Garden
Day 16 New York City – Woodbury Premium Outlet
Day 17 New York City – Statue of Liberty, 9/11 Memorial, Brooklyn Bridge, South Street Seaport, Empire State Building
Day 18 New York City – Highline, Broadway Musical
Day 19-21 Home Sweet Home

This escape plan was planned to do one of the “to-do” item of the bucket list, which was to celebrate New Year in one of the biggest party in the world – New York Times Square, and also take the opportunity to visit the Caribbean and at the same time escape the freezing cold.

Budget nature: Budget buster 

Though SGD gained against the greenback which made the spending just a little less painful, the holiday season plus the cruise with similar thinking Americans (who wanted to escape the cold) really dealt the finishing blow to the budget.

Complexity: DIY possible for the beginners

Since there is already no language barrier (less the accent), and with good infrastructure in terms of roads and public transport, making your way around is very straight forward.