Koh Samui 2015 Day 4 – Home Sweet Home

630am, baby K’s slight cry awoke me and I quickly climbed out of bed to see a yellow round sun already up above the horizon. It was good weather but I didn’t catch the sunrise in time.


The morning would be spent entirely to pack, since we bought a lot of food before our transport from Samuitours come pick us at 11am. This was the cheapest deal I could find as a taxi would cost 100baht more if I booked from the the reception.

Baby and wife slept till 8 and after feeding baby, we went for brekkie. Took some porridge from the staff to bring away so that we wouldn’t need to cook any and then we could quickly packed the pot without having the need to clean. Brought the baby to the beach one last time before we had to go home.

Buffet table stuff.
Buffet table stuff.
Seafood noodle.
Seafood noodle.
Another Thai noodle.
Another Thai noodle.

Last few hours were spent packing and cooking and looking out for the baby. Returned the key to the rental car at the reception and also did a check out. The resort staff helped with our luggage up to the mini bus that had also arrived at 11am sharp.

Baby K fell asleep on the journey to the airport. 30 mins past and we arrived, check in was done quickly as all the counters were manned. We brought along the stroller because baby K was still napping away inside.

Checked in counters.
Checked in counters.
Airport mascots.
Airport mascots.

The gate was some distance away and we had to walk through what looked like a layout of a premium outlet. Bought some Swenson’s to eat before some heavy showers came pouring all of a sudden. Had to wait for the rain to lighten before moving on as it was splashing inwards.

Long walk to the gates flanked by outlet style layout.
Long walk to the gates flanked by outlet style layout.
Inside the airport.
Inside the airport.

The security check just before the gate was especially strict. They removed quite a lot of stuff from our diaper bags and another hand luggage even though we had a baby with us. Baby K who was snoozing peacefully in the stroller was almost asked to be removed from the stroller for checking. It was a frustrating moment.

I heard over the intercom as the staff was calling for me to approach the gate but I knew we were still early. When I arrived and checked with the staff, they said that there was a powerbank in my checked-in luggage and I suddenly remember too. But I was caught by surprise that they were so strict about it. I had to follow the staff (along with a few others) to the luggage check area and remove the power bank, which we could bring on in our hand luggage.

Waiting area at the gate.
Waiting area at the gate.

When it was boarding time, I had to bring the stroller and place it at the front of the tram where there was a storage place. It was then taken care of by the staff to load onto the plane.

Trams that ferry passengers to and from the planes.
Trams that ferry passengers to and from the planes.

The flight back was not all smooth. Baby K was cranky maybe due to not having enough sleep or even food. He was moving from one toy to another rather quickly and we were running out of things to keep him entertained. Fortunately he found interests in the passengers sitting behind us and was constantly playing with them. That gave us some rest time before disembarking.

The arrival into the airport was different from what I was used to, we had to go through security scanning, something that was not required previously. But this was not as difficult as the one in Koh Samui but time consuming nonetheless.

It was unusually crowded at immigrations and for Singaporean families more than 4 members there were special shortcuts opened at the side counters to allow faster processing for them. Thankfully we were allowed to go through that path after they processed the bigger families. DFS was also crowded but that was the final queue before meeting Dad at the arrivals hall.

This trip was a short getaway for baby K on his 1yr old birthday. The difference between this trip and the previous ones was that there were a lot less cleaning times but a lot more looking out for baby times since he climbs and crawls everywhere now. We had to bring pressure cookers bought from Taobao and rice and vegetables to cook his meals and also visit supermarkets to buy fish. Our accommodation had a kitchen and a fridge and that made things easier for cooking and storage. I prefer traveling during this period as you get to see more while out and not get restricted by his meal times which were already prepared and pumping times and of course the less strenuous cleaning that came with it.

Koh Samui 2015 Day 3 – Big Buddha, Wat Plai Laem, Lamai Viewpoint, Grandfather and Grandmother rock

620am and the sun was blocked yet again by the clouds. Back to bed.

Baby K was sleeping late into the morning and had missed a night feeding. He must be really tired! That gave us some time for preparations and immediately after he woke up, we proceeded to breakfast.

Having learnt from yesterday’s breakfast that although the food was free, we had to limit the amount lest we could finished eating. Ordered the eggs florentine and poached eggs and the rest we took from the buffet table. As usual baby K had his special kids set of utensils and he ate the bread and papaya available. I had latte which came with a face. So did the eggs.

Latte smiley.
Latte face.
Eggs benedict smiley.
Eggs benedict face.

We proceeded to the beach to watch the high tide waves. Today the water actually reached the resort steps. Back at the room, we took a dip in the pool with the opportunistic sun out and about. Then bathed in the huge jacuzzi tub before baby K drank milk (and still puke a little) and then fell asleep in mommy’s arms when she brought him out to listen to the waves from our huge balcony.

Went to book a car for 1500baht from the hotel reception and asked for a small one particularly due to the small roads in Koh Samui. We figured if each taxi trip was going to cost us 500baht, in no time this would equal the costs of a car rental. The only problem was the unfamiliarity of the road and there wasn’t a GPS available.

The first car then was delivered was a Nissan March but the remote was not working. So they sent another car that was a 7 seater Avanza. Not exactly the small car that I wanted but I wasn’t going to wait for another one. It came with an empty tank so I had to pump gas when we go.

Baby K awoke from his nap soon after and we packed and got onto the car for our first attraction, the Big Buddha over at the north of the island. I have downloaded the Google maps offline to get better details and used the map as reference to get there. There was an Esso station on the main 4169 and I asked for 300baht of gas, which gave me half tank, more than enough for the trip. The gas was topped up by the station service staff where I didn’t even need to alight from the car. Just tell him how much and paid after it was done, Then it was 30mins of driving on the single lane road with a mix of upslopes and downslopes. Baby K had lunch in the car en-route.

There were road signs that made navigation easy. As we cross the tiny stretch of land before the location, I parked just on the side of the road on this stretch of land, not sure if there was a official car park in place and we walked to the Big Buddha. We only realized that there was indeed a space reserved for parking as we walked closer but I didn’t bother going back to park the car there.

The Big Buddha sit atop a flight of steps which was not to difficult to reach. Took off our footwear as requested and we climbed to the top for some photos. There was renovation ongoing on the sides but we could still get to the edge to shoot the scenery of the surrounding from the top.

Big Buddha sat atop a little hill.
Big Buddha sat atop a little hill.
Big Buddha.
Big Buddha.
View from the Big Buddha location.
View from the Big Buddha location.

Just around at the ground level were shops selling stuff, mostly souvenirs and so we didn’t stay long and left for the next location, just a short drive away to Wat Phai Laem temple. Taking the left immediately on the main road from the Big Buddha, just a couple of hundreds of meters there was this temple with huge statues. The entrance was quite easy to miss as it was a small road without a clear indication and therefore I had to make a Uturn to get to it after seeing the big statues on the left side of the road.

Statues behind the parking lot.
Statues behind the parking lot.
Parking lot and the surrounding touristy shops.
Parking lot and the surrounding touristy shops.

This time I parked at the parking area and we went in to see the 2 huge statues of the Laughing Buddha and the thousand hands Goddess of Mercy. Bought some fish feed from a machine for 10baht and fed the fishes. There was a temple building that we could also visit that had bright coloured wall paintings and a Buddha statue in it. That was our temporary relief from the sun.

Laughing Buddha.
Laughing Buddha.
Up close.
Up close.
Elephant headed deity beside the laughing Buddha.
Elephant headed deity beside the laughing Buddha.
Fish feed dispensing machine.
Fish feed dispensing machine.
Middle temple.
Middle temple.
Inside the temple with colourful walls.
Inside the temple with colourful walls.
Middle temple.
Middle temple.
Thousand arms Goddess of Mercy.
Thousand arms Goddess of Mercy.
Up close.
Up close.
Inland temple.
Inland temple.

At this area was a cafe but we gave it a miss. The next stop was to get to Lamai viewpoint which we thought we could get lunch and on the way, we saw a huge Big C supermart and decided to visit it. Walking around we couldn’t find much eateries except KFC and MK restaurants that serves buffet. We took a stroll in the huge supermarket, something like the Tesco we visited on the first day. Left soon after without buying anything.

Big C supermarket.
Big C supermarket.
Inside the Big C.
Inside the Big C.

Lamai viewpoint didn’t appear on my Google map so I had to follow the road signs. Again we had to turn in at the right into a small road. The signs would indicate a change in direction from going straight to turning right to making a Uturn when you overshot while on the main road, which I did, and had to wait for the many vehicles to pass through. Even after I Uturn, I couldn’t determine the correct small road and entered the one before, driving on it a little and finding it suspiciously incorrect before going out again. Got off and asked some local people and they informed that “Lamai view” was on the next road.

Took the next road in and sure enough there were blue signs directing cars to the carpark. Parked at the near empty carpark (most people biked there) and paid the 100baht entry fees to the view point. The zipline would cost 800baht but we weren’t be doing that because of the baby.

Entrance where tickets were sold.
Entrance where tickets were sold.
Our receipt.
Our receipt.

The Valentine stone, small Siva Tara waterfall and the fish spa were just steps away from the entrance, nothing spectacular. The climb up to the viewpoint was a little tiring, especially with the little one and the bags that followed along but it was easy as there were steps all the way to the bar on top. From the viewpoint we could see the Lamai coast. The cloudy weather didn’t provide the best of the scene. The bar was also packed and unfortunately there weren’t any food so we could only have drinks.

Valentine Stone and waterfall. Didn't realise there was a heart shape stone.
Valentine Stone and waterfall. Didn’t realise there was a heart shape stone.
Siva waterfall.
Siva Tara waterfall.
Lamar Viewpoint bar.
Lamar Viewpoint bar.
View with cloudy skies at the viewpoint.
View with cloudy skies at the viewpoint.

Just before we could leave, the light drizzle started to upsize into a huge shower and for a moment it was pretty chaotic as the staff tried to pull down the transparent sheets to block off the rain but the winds were not doing them a favour. Guests were seen helping out as well. We move to the seats closer to the bar away from the rain.

Hiding from the rain with the transparent rain covers.
Hiding from the rain with the transparent rain covers.

After some 15mins, we left to descend down the wet steps back to ground floor. Went quickly to the car before the drizzle came back again. Off season weather could be really annoying.

Parking space at the viewpoint ground floor.
Parking space at the viewpoint ground floor.

Our last stop was the Grandfather and Grandmother rock (Hin Ta and Hin Yai) not too far from the viewpoint. Again the side road was easy to miss. This one was tricky as the road was a one vehicle width road and so you had to wait if there were cars coming out. Going through the road, we reached a split where a kid directed my car into a parking area. It was 30baht for parking but worry-free to park there since it was empty and manned. We had our snack lunch in the car as the rain continue to trickle down.

Finally when it was time to go, we had to pass through one shop selling souvenirs and get to the pathway towards the rocks. Just a few meters away, we could see the grandfather rock but the grandmother one has to go further down towards the sea where there was a split between the rock (see internet pictures to know what you are looking for). We didn’t know where to look until some guide showed another group of tourist the location and we just followed. However the rocks surface was wet from the rain and so we didn’t risk going too near the water plus it was high tide and waves were crashing onto the rock surfaces. Bought some coconut caramel to bring back home while on the way back to the carpark.

Entrance to Hin Ta Hin Yai rocks.
Entrance to Hin Ta Hin Yai rocks.
Grandfather rock.
Grandfather rock.
Grandmother rock.
Grandmother rock.
Grandmother rock.
Grandmother rock.
I thought I saw a fish.
I thought I saw a fish.
Panoramic view of the sea.
Panoramic view of the sea.
Coconut caramel stall.
Coconut caramel stall.
Parking lot. The silver car was our rental vehicle.
Parking lot. The silver car was our rental car.

Driving back to the resort was pretty straightforward and it was really close by. Back in the room, wife went for massage round 2 while I entertained the baby before meeting her outside the parlour 1hr later. Proceeded to walk the streets to look for dinner.

It was still very quiet at night with not many tourists in sight. The low season was really bad for business but good for people like us who didn’t enjoy the crowd (like Singapore). We made it to Samui Kangeroo where they served seafood and Thai food. I had a set of 3 tiger prawns and barramundi steak for 399 baht while wife had Tom Yum, prawn cake and fried noodles. We were filled to the brim! Baby K fell asleep while on the way to the restaurant and when he awoke, he was entertained by the very friendly staff that made   him comfortable. They even gave him a baby toy to entertain him while we fed him dinner, certainly made our job a lot easier!

Still quiet on Saturday night.
Still quiet on Saturday night.
Samui Kangeroo.
Samui Kangeroo.
Orange juice.
Orange juice.
A table full of food just for the 2 of us.
A table full of food just for the 2 of us.

As we walked back to the resort, the streets were just as empty and it was already 9pm. Back in the room, we spent some time at the balcony looking at the moon before the drizzle came and then it was all about clean up and packing before retiring for the night. The short 3 day getaway was coming to an end.

Bright moon.

Koh Samui 2015 Day 2 – Aquarium and Tiger Zoo and Bophut Fisherman’s Village

As sunlight peeked through the shades, I awoke at 640am to find cloudy skies, supposedly typical of off season weather. Went back to sleep.

A few more hours and we woke up and the day’s activities were quickly starting, first with feeding the baby. Then we proceeded for breakfast at the breakfast area situated just under our villa. There was a small buffet table but quite a selection of cooked food all for free. There were even fresh juice! We ate till we were very full and returned to the room.

Breakfast area.
Breakfast area.
Buffet table.
Buffet table.
Stuff from the buffet table.
Stuff from the buffet table.
Mexican egg dish.
Custard buns.
Custard buns.
Assorted Dim Sum.
Assorted Dim Sum.
Thai omelette.
Thai omelette.
Temple within the resort.
Temple within the resort.
Intricate design of the street lamps.
Intricate design of the street lamps.

Then it was off to the pool and after a light passing shower, it was a little cold for a dip. Baby K didn’t move for a while once he was in the water until he warmed up. Spent some time out in the pool until it was ready for food (had to bring him out to bath in the warm tub in the room and change him out to PJs but he didn’t sleep). Then he became really cranky, not wanting to sleep even though he looked tired. Tried to feed him some porridge and gave him Cartoon Network which calmed him down a bit but he puked after not being able to swallow some porridge. I guessed it must be some mouthful of water that made him felt unwell.

Afterwards when baby K was feeling better, we brought him out to the Aquarium and Tiger Zoo. The reception got us a taxi for 500baht which felt was very expensive. It was a 15mins short journey and baby K fell asleep in the common brown with yellow top taxi. Upon arriving, the driver asked when we would finish the visit and he would return so we told him 3pm. There weren’t many taxis around the area though.

Typical Ko Samui taxi.
Typical Ko Samui taxi.

The tickets for the visit was very expensive, 750baht per person. We paid and went to the sea lion show first which was at 130pm. The show lasted 30mins of which baby K only managed to watch the last 10mins. Immediately after the show was a photo session with one of the sea lion, for 100baht. The show was entertaining but not the best I have seen.

The ticketing counter to the aquarium and zoo.
The ticketing counter to the aquarium and zoo.
Our tickets.
Our tickets.
Stamps for entry.
Stamps for entry.
Direction to the Sea lion show.
Direction to the Sea lion show.
Sea lions doing the balancing act.
Sea lions doing the balancing act.
Guests throwing hoops to the sea lions.
Guests throwing hoops to the sea lions.
Jumping out of the water act.
Jumping out of the water act.

Next we proceeded to walk to the tiger and bird show which was at 230pm. Bought some banana Nutella and banana vanilla pancakes from a makeshift stall and ate at the eating area just outside the show entrance. Fed baby K porridge while we have our dessert-lunch. The show began soon after and there was quite a crowd comparatively. The bird show started mild with some parrots performing tricks then it was the tiger show and the leopard. Then it was back to the bird show with the toucan and the eagle. This was definitely more entertaining than the sea lion show and baby K loved the birds flying around.

Pancake stall.
Pancake stall.
Our banana nutella and banana vanilla pancakes.
Our banana nutella and banana vanilla pancakes.
The parrots and their trainers.
The parrots and their trainers.
Tiger show within the cage up area.
Tiger show within the cage up area.
Back to bird show with toucan.
Back to bird show with toucan.
What looked like a ferret.
What looked like a ferret.

Similarly, there was a photo opportunity but we didn’t go for it as there was quite a crowd waiting in line. We went to take photo with a tiger instead. Wanted one with the baby tiger but was advised against it by the trainer who said it was easier to control the bigger one, as we had a baby in tow. So we went for the bigger tiger for 600baht where the helper used our camera to take 5 shots consecutively.

We proceeded to walk through the aquarium (2 of them) and the zoo. The aquariums were a little run down and not as big as the ones we have in Singapore. There were some open top ones with sharks and rays which was interesting as one of the sharks actually splashed some water out when we were standing nearby.

The zoo was also small and we could see some toucan, monkeys and tigers and leopards. There were actually pretty close behind the fenced up areas which was kind of scary.

We left with the same driver who was already waiting for us outside even before we left for the zoo and aquarium. It was another 500baht back to the resort.

Zoo area was called Jungle walk.
Zoo area was called Jungle walk.
Cages with birds.
Cages with birds.
White monkey.
White monkey.
Spotted leopard.
Spotted leopard.
Aquarium number 2.
Aquarium number 2.
No vegetable allowed?
What? Why not?


Sea turtle in the aquarium.
Sea turtle in the aquarium.
Huge fishes in the aquarium.
Huge fishes in the aquarium.
Lion fish.
Lion fish.
Long neck turtle.
Long neck turtle.
Large area of tanks.
Large area of tanks.
Open top tanks with rays and sharks.
Open top tanks with rays and sharks.

Back in the resort, I brought baby K to walk on the beach that was getting high tide waves crashing in while wife went for a Thai massage on the streets outside our resort. Walking northwards, there were quite a couple of resorts at the beach. The beach was not crowded, just a couple of people trying to jump into the waves taking photos. Baby K was soothed into a sleep by the sea breeze and sounds of the sea waves and after taking a few selfies with me, I brought him back to the room.

High tide waters rushing inland.
High tide waters rushing inland.

Fed baby K dinner before heading to Bophut Fisherman’s village, which was only opened on Friday nights. This time the taxi cost 700baht, which sounded more fair then the earlier one where we travelled to an attraction not too far from our resort. 30mins later, we were dropped off at the entrance of the walking street.

Entrance of Fisherman's village.
Entrance of Fisherman’s village.
Pedestrian streets on Friday.
Pedestrian streets on Friday.

The initial street towards the main street was not too busy. Once we hit the Main Street that was parallel to the beach, we could see many people around. We had bought some food, since our purpose was mainly to have some dinner but instead of going to one of the many restaurants available there, we ate burgers and satays and drank fruit juices. Bought baby K a Tweety bird balloon that he liked for 50baht. There were some fire dancing show and some fireworks out in the distance, not bad.

On the side street before the busy main ones.
On the side street before the busy main ones.
Stall selling satays.
Stall selling satays.
Elephant walk, area packed with restaurants and people.
Elephant walk, area packed with restaurants and people.
Stalls selling from accessories to clothings.
Stalls selling from accessories to clothings.
Phat burger for dinner.
Phat burger for dinner.
Our chicken burger.
Our chicken burger.
and fries.
and fries.
Cheap shots were available at many of these stalls.
Cheap cocktails and shots were available at many of these stalls.
Fruits stall selling fruits and juices.
Fruits stall selling fruits and juices.
Watermelon juice.
Watermelon juice.
Fire dance going on.
Fire dance going on.

After walking to the end of the street, there appeared to be a lot more food stalls but we were already full. We asked the personnel at the entrance (another entrance different from the one we entered) to this walking street for a taxi back and was quoted 600baht. I accepted without bargaining (which I should have tried) and a private vehicle picked us up instead. Not a bad deal.

Side street lined with food stalls.
Side street lined with food stalls.
Bophut walking street, another entrance.
Bophut walking street, another entrance.
Watch tower at the village.
Watch tower at the village.

Back at the room, some 30mins later, we fed baby K again. It was then cleaning up the baby and the milk bottles and our bathing time while one of us had to take care of him. He wasn’t getting much sleep in the day and so when we fed him milk again, he felt tired enough to fall asleep. Fell asleep rather quickly from the tiredness of travelling with a super active 1year old.

Koh Samui 2015 Day 1 – Arrival at Koh Samui

Our baby 1st birthday trip began early in the morning, waking up almost the same time as we normally do when we go to work. As there were still plenty to pack, it was great that we had a helper to cook the porridge early in the morning.

After packing in the last items into the pink 25″ and haversack and feeding baby with milk, we left for the airport on a generally light traffic highway. Due to the school holidays, traffic was light enough that we reached the airport within 40mins.

Checked in at the Silkair counter for 2 luggage and a stroller before clearing the mess due to spillage of milk powder (from the portable dispenser) in the bag before going through immigrations.

As usual, we picked up the Combi stroller from the info counter and brought baby to walk around. 30mins before boarding, changed his diapers at the big “family area” and warmed up his flight milk before going through the walkway onto the small A319 Airbus.

Was asked if we could exchange our aisle seat for the window as the other family is on the other side of the aisle but we rejected as we needed the access to the aisle a lot more. There will be frequent access to the bags overhead to take stuff for the baby.

Baby K was quite well behaved and after downing his milk, he fell asleep in mommy’s arms as the flight took off. Can’t say about the noisy kids behind, fortunately baby K snoozed soundly through it.

After about 45 mins of snoozing, baby K woke up to find his parents eating rather-tasty meals. Warmed up some milk and fed him bread before the plane landed in sunny island Koh Samui.

The tiny airport was serviced by windowless trams. The airport itself was designed looking like a resort. Luggage was brought to the belt by vehicles but it didn’t take long for us to clear. Thankfully being in the front row of the airplane, we cleared immigrations quickly before a queue formed behind the counters.

Proceeding out of the airport after claiming our luggage and stroller, on the left towards the meeting point, the driver from Samui Tours holding a signboard with my name and destination stood waiting. After acknowledging, he went to pick up a Toyota minibus (which was big for our small family of 3) and loaded our luggage for a 30mins travel towards Lamai beach.

Koh Samui Airport.
Koh Samui Airport.
Meeting place where our airport transfer rep was waiting.
Meeting place where our airport transfer rep was waiting.
View from the minibus.
View from the minibus.

We went past towns with busy streets lined with low buildings and also stretch of vegetation. Going up the mountain which overlooked the bicolor blue and turquoise waters before turning left into narrow streets before arriving next to the reception building of Ammatara Pura, our accommodation for the next 3 nights. The Thai design made the buildings looked like a temple but the resort was lavishly furnished. It was indeed 5 stars accommodation fit for royalty!

Reception building.
Reception building.
Waiting area at the reception
Waiting area at the reception

Our villa was the first one next to the reception and it was huge, definitely value for money. The whole place was designed in modernly with Thai culture.

King bed.
King bed.
Side dining area.
Side dining area.
Day bed.
Day bed.
Computer desktop with wifi.
Computer desktop with wifi.
Walk in wardrobe.
Walk in wardrobe.
Large in room stone jacuzzi tub.
Large in room stone jacuzzi tub.
Large kitchen.
Large kitchen.
Outdoor shower.
Outdoor shower.
Villa view from the rest area.
Villa view from the rest area.
Towel holders.
Towel holders.
Tissue box with fan tissue deco.
Tissue box with fan tissue deco.
Bathing accessories.
Bathing accessories.
Old school telephone.
Old school telephone.

Baby K had lunch at the chill area beside the pool and after some rest, went for dip with me in the really deep pool (1.6m). Then I gave him a bath in the huge stone jacuzzi tub and ordered some room service for late lunch.

Fried Rice.
Fried Rice.
Spring roll.
Spring roll.

We failed to get baby K to sleep so we went out to Tesco by taking the free resort tuk tuk out, about a 5 mins journey.

Resort tuk tuk.
Resort tuk tuk.

The Tesco here was quite big, selling a whole range the domestic products. We bought a toy, foodstuff and most importantly, fresh fish necessary for baby K porridge. After supermarket shopping, we got ourselves a coconut ice cream in a coconut just outside.

Tesco in Lamai
Tesco in Lamai
Inside Tesco
Inside Tesco
Fresh seafood corner.
Fresh seafood corner.
Coconut ice-cream stall.
Coconut ice-cream stall.
Coconut ice-cream in a coconut husk bowl.
Coconut ice-cream in a coconut husk bowl.

Baby K fell asleep while we were in the supermarket and woke up after snoozing while we were eating the icecream. Called the resort and the tuk tuk was dispatched again to pick us up, some 10mins later.

Back at the resort we were informed of some Buddhist ritual going on near the pool and so went take a look. Spent some time to look at the performance where there were 3 people wearing cultural Thai costume dancing to a traditional tune played by a live traditional instruments band. Didn’t stay till the end as baby K got bored and so we walked to the beach which was about 20m away.

Thai Buddhist ritual.
Thai Buddhist ritual.
Chill beds at the beach.
Chill beds at the beach.
Lamai beach close to sun set.
Lamai beach close to sun set.

Sun was already setting and I let baby K feel the sea wave crashing onto his tiny feet. Before returning to our room, we washed our feet at the beach entrance before reentering the resort boundaries.

It was dinner time for baby K as he ate his dinner while multitasking some other activities such as moving around, like all other babies. We were still on Singapore timing since Koh Samui was one hour later. During this time, the room make up staff came and they helped tidy the room while we were still in there. They sorted out the pool jacuzzi that wasn’t working when I tried it earlier in the day and also cleared the lunch plates.

After baby K was done, it was our turn for dinner so we left the room and walked out of the resort. To the right and onwards were long parallel streets of shops consisting of bars, cafes, eateries, massage parlour and retail. It was quite quiet though, not many customers around. Don’t know if it was because it was a Thursday or if it was low season or it was still early to have dinner. We walked about 5mins and u-turned as it seemed never ending.

Muay Thai, where fighters were training.
Muay Thai, where fighters were training. This was located near our resort.
Quiet streets in Lamai.
Quiet streets in Lamai.

Went back to a eatery called ISky corner restaurant and had Thai food, consisting of omelette pad Thai, seafood Tom Yum and cashew chicken rice. I had banana Choco shake and my wife had a coconut. It cost about 450baht for that much food.

ISky corner restaurant.
ISky corner restaurant.
Banana choco milk shake.
Banana choco milk shake.
Omelette Phad Thai.
Omelette Phad Thai.
Tom Yum soup.
Tom Yum soup.
Cashew chicken rice.
Cashew chicken rice.
ISky Corner restaurant.
ISky Corner restaurant.

After dinner it was short walk back. The moon was round and bright illuminating the sea around. The rest of the night was about cleaning up the baby and preparations for sleep. Cleaning up bottles were a lot more easier now that baby K was feeding more on formula milk, which meant less cleaning on pump and bottles.

Night view from the pool.
Night view from the pool.

Had to bath a bit later and since the rain shower was out in the open, it was a good thing that the weather was fine. The water pressure wasn’t good enough for a storm shower , more like trickling rain. And I couldn’t seemed to get the temperature as it was consistently warm, which was not a bad issue since I was out in the open.

It was lights off at 1030pm, which was 1130pm in SG, already later than what I used to do since baby K was born. Sleeping early was to make up the constant waking at night and it would be difficult to do without sleep when traveling.

Escape plan to Koh Samui November 2015

A brief summary on the itinerary

Escape Plan to Koh Samui 2015:

Total duration 4D3N
Singapore is 1hr ahead of Koh Samui.
Flight time is 1.5hrs on Silkair codeshare from Singapore to Koh Samui and return flight on Bangkok Airways.

Morning flight on 26th November at 10.25am and arrival in Koh Samui at 11.05am.
Return flight is on the 29th November at 1.30pm and arrival in Singapore at 4:20pm.

Day 1 Arrival at Koh Samui
Day 2 Samui Aquarium and Tiger Zoo and Bophut Fisherman’s Village
Day 3 Big Buddha, Wat Plai Laem, Lamai Viewpoint and Grandparent’s rocks
Day 4 Home Sweet Home

This escape plan was to plan as a getaway to celebrate my baby boy’s first birthday. We chose a chill-at-the-resort holiday plan for this trip and one that gives my baby his first experience of swimming in a pool. Koh Samui was chosen because of its short flight time and unlike Phuket which could be a little rowdy, my impression of Koh Samui was that it was a little more high class and therefore, better for a baby. Plus it was off season so prices were lower and more affordable.

Budget nature: Could have been cheaper.

Although the flight tickets were initially cheaper than the usual astronomical rates, I had bought the tickets wrongly online, mistaking the only option as the one that I wanted. In the end the change of the tickets was about $150 additional per person.
Taxis were really expensive comparatively in Koh Samui and if we had gotten ourselves a rental car, that could have saved us some money.
Our total spendings was about 500SGD for the whole trip.

Complexity: Easy with taxis or own car.

The usual mode of travelling was either by taxi or by rented vehicles. Many rented motorcycles for its affordability and portability. We rented a car for a day and found it not too difficult to drive around, just that parking could be a challenge.