It was raining the whole night up till the early morning. Didn’t regret the sunrise shot I took on Thursday as that could be the only sunrise I was going to see this whole trip.
We got off to breakfast as usual in the late morning. The staff had to rush out to put on the rain protection for the furniture that were out in the open to prevent them from getting soaked as the rain came back suddenly. They also laid towels at the bottom of the doors to prevent water from seeping into the restaurant.
Baby K developed a keen interest in papaya and was asking for it frequently. It was great that the fruit platters were served everyday and there was papaya. The staff knew what baby K wanted papayas too, and looked happy to see him.

Also struck up a conversation with a German couple who found our baby K adorable, whom themselves had a 11month old back in Swiss while they were out here in Bali having a holiday but were missing him already. Just so easy to connect with people who were parents themselves.
We had an afternoon dip in the pool as the rain started to clear up and the sun peeked out of the cloud for some time. After that a bath and followed by the same routine of going to the seaside in an attempt to get baby K to sleep which he did doze off. Upon return to the room he would wake up and refuse to go back to sleep. Tried another round at the beach, even strolling to the other neighbouring resorts but to no avail. Decided that we would go to Bali collection for lunch.
The resort arranged for the drop off at the Bali Collection and we had our lunch at Paon Restaurant. Baby K behaved only for a while before going cranky. He ate some lunch and then became fussy and whiny. We left the restaurant and as we tried to enter the shops to shop, he cried wanting us to stay outside to walk. It was an extremely helpless and frustrating moment. Mommy tried to carry him to sleep and I kept my distance from them since he kept wanting to sit on my hipseat, we failed in getting him to sleep. It was already then time to go to the entrance, as we had already arranged for the pick up 1.5 hrs later after drop off (which didn’t arrive as the driver forgot about it, had to call the resort). Baby K nodded off to sleep then.

We hadn’t master the trick to manage his nap times, his fussiness and whining, all this came along with his sickness just this week. It had wrecked havoc on a supposedly chill holiday. Got back to the room and baby K continued to nap as mommy took over the carrying.
This was the first and only time that we managed to have the resorts’ afternoon tea that was available everyday at 3-5pm anywhere we desired. Of course we had it in the villa due to the napping baby. There were some biscuits and tarts with a drink each, had a cafe latte and mango juice.

After baby K awoke, we quickly pack for dinner and proceeded to reception to ask for a free ride to Bumbu Bali, a restaurant with a good standing on tripadvisor. The recept helped to call the restaurant to check for availability as they knew its popularity. As predicted, we were told it was fully booked. They informed that we could just be dropped off at a location nearby to check out the other restaurants. So we got on the vehicle.
Arrived in a short 5mins drive and we walked awhile to find restaurants that would provide Indonesian cuisine. Got into Ketut’s BBQ kitchen which was supposedly highly recommended on Tripadvisor too. There was also a small crowd.
We ordered sweet and sour chicken and Mie Goreng together with fresh juices. It was quite a cosy place but it didn’t have a high chair for baby K. The staff stacked cushions for him though yet he preferred to walk around. There was a huge teddy bear from the restaurant that the staff placed on a chair beside him but he lost interest quickly.

After the meal, we called the driver to pick us up again, as there weren’t much things to see along the road unlike some of the more touristy streets of Bali.
Back at the room it was about packing up, cleaning up and then going to bed. A wedding dinner was being held and had some songs and music up late. The music wasn’t loud enough to be disturbing and we don’t know when that ended as we were already asleep then.