Melbourne 2014 Day 10 – Nadi transit to Melbourne

We were returning to Nadi and had to wake up at 730am for breakfast in order to give ourselves some time to pack before checking out at 945am.

Sad breakfast.
Sad breakfast.
So we found Wilson.
Green bird on the sand in front of our bure.
Green bird on the sand in front of our bure.
kookabura on the coconut tree near our bure.
kookabura on the coconut tree near our bure.

Settled the bill at the reception and the final bill ended up as 646Fjd, much more than we have budgeted for. In the end, paid the rest with Aud with a rate of 1.61, not too bad. Waited at the poolside till the transport arrive. One of the staff sounded the drums and called out for boarding and we proceeded to the beach. There was a group of 4 singers singing farewell songs as we boarded the transfer boat. Leaving the lovely island, we boarded the catamaran and sat at the bottom most level and used the internet like a connection starved prisoner just released from jail, since it was free.

12 noon we arrived at the Port Denarau, after a short stop at the South Sea island. Went to exchange some money at the port for 1.59Fjd per Aud, 5cts worse than airport rates. The best rates were still from the airport. Proceeded to the bus terminal near the port where people were sorting out their luggage. We didn’t have luggage as we have packed a separate haversack for this side trip and just boarded the 40seater buses after checking with the drivers.

Short stop for passengers alighting at South Sea Island.
Short stop for passengers alighting at South Sea Island.

Return to the Tokatoka didn’t take too long, arrived at 1pm where we did our check in and retrieved our luggage that was placed there for 3 days already. They took awhile since the luggage was on the most inside of the storage area, unsurprisingly. After repacking the haversack to contain a few cold wear, we went out for lunch by taking the resort taxi to Namaka town for 6Fjd. There was a recommended cafe on tripadvisor called Bulaccino and we were going there to have lunch.

Tokatoka room.
Tokatoka room.
Shower with toilet.
Shower with toilet.
Additional sink outside toilet.
Additional sink outside toilet.

Arrived at Namaka just a short 8mins away, and we requested the taxi driver to come pick us up at 3pm. The cafe was fairly crowded with quite a number of tables already taken. Ordered fish burger and chicken nuggets. The food tasted well and it was decently priced so it was definitely worth a trip out for that. There was free wifi for a short 30mins for patronage spending of more than 12.50Fjd and we utilized that to check Facebook and weather in Melbourne.

Inside Bulacino
Inside Bulaccino
Carrot juice.
Carrot juice.
Chicken nuggets with chips.
Chicken nuggets with chips.
Fish burger.
Fish burger.
Bulacino cafe.
Bulaccino cafe.

By the time we left the cafe, the taxi was already waiting for us, impressive service. The journey back was quick too and that gave us about 30mins to freshen up, pack, last minute device charging and check out. The staff arranged for the airport transfer and in no time, we arrived at the small international airport.

Tokatoka taxi.
Tokatoka taxi.
Namaka town.
Namaka town.
Nadi International Airport.
Nadi International Airport.
Inside Nadi airport.
Inside Nadi airport.

The line to the Virgin Australia was short and the check in was fairly quick. There was quite a number of shops at the gates and I spent quite a bit of time to decide how to spend the last 30Fjd that I have. In the end, bought a Fiji Bitter polo tee with that money and spent another 5Aud for some Fiji stamps, and it was a great thing that they returned the change in Aud too! Boarding was on time and soon we were airborne, 5.5hrs away from Melbourne. Again the flight was smooth without turbulence but basically it was a kindergarten with wings, crying kids.

Got into Melbourne at 930pm at a frigid temperature of 6deg Celsius. Got through immigrations pretty easily with the epassport machine though the queue was pretty short anyways. Waited a while for our luggage and we got through customs without issues. Ate some pastries at the only opened cafe and checked with the info counter on how to get to Ibis Budget. Walk. The staff informed that taxi wouldn’t ferry us the 700m away as it would not make sense for them to requeue. So we have to take out more cold wear to beef up the cold defense before heading out. Following the signs and walking along the pathway was easy, except that it was cold.

Ibis budget Melbourne.
Ibis budget Melbourne.

We got to the hotel with not much issue. Checked in done quickly and I carried our two large luggage up a single flight of stairs to the first floor luckily. The room was tiny, the extreme end of the spectrum from where we came from. Oh well, just a stopover before another flight to Hobart early next morning. Switched on the heating aircon which wasn’t powerful enough, before preparing for the night.

Cold small room.
Cold small room.
Tiny space of the toilet.
Tiny space of the toilet.

Fiji 2014 Day 5 – Arrival at Nadi

It was an early start as we warmed up some pies that we purchased from Pie Face the day before for breakfast. The sun rose early and before 7am, the skies were already illuminated by the rising sun.

Pies for breakfast.
Pies for breakfast.

Checked out was quick and after punching in the destination on the GPS, also with avoidance of tolls, we returned the car with the proper fuel level ( filling up gas was the same as Singapore, top up first before paying) without any hassle. Left my camera bag behind but managed to retrieve it before leaving on the free shuttle to the international airport.

Checked in took a little longer than usual at Virgin Australia, the staff checking on our visas and our itinerary. At departures, after filling up a departure card, we were greeted by a horrendous queue. The line was stagnant for a good 10mins before it started moving again. There weren’t much problems at the checks, just that it was so busy. It was a good thing that we got in early.

Our flight was delayed for about an hour; we only knew after getting past immigrations. Sat at the Coffee Club using the free wifi (from the airport or Qantas) till the announcement for our boarding. Again, the plane took another 10mins to get airborne and it was an easy 3hrs towards Nadi.

Brisbane domestic airport.
Brisbane domestic airport.

Flight was smooth and there wasn’t much turbulence. The plane was a small one but it wasn’t completely filled. Virgin Australia was actually quite comfortable though we still faced with noisy rowdy kids directly behind us.

View from the clouds of the blue waters below, on the way to Nadi.
View from the clouds of the blue waters below, on the way to Nadi.

Arrival at the small airport, we went through immigrations pretty quickly. There was similarly strict restrictions for visitors like in Australia. They were even questions asking if the visitors are having symptoms of fever, cough, diarrhea etc. We passed through with no issues. Luggage arrived not too long later and soon we found ourselves seated on the bench waiting for a free airport shuttle from the hotel at the end of the airport, with the help from the airport staff whom informed us the location to wait.

Coach pick up area at the Nadi airport.
Coach pick up area at the Nadi airport.

The mini bus came and the driver help with the loading of our luggage. There was a slight drizzle and because of this, we were unable to walk the 15mins to the hotel. Once we arrived some 2mins later, the luggages were automatically taken care of by the porter. Checked in with a OJ welcome drink and we were taken to our studio villa some steps away.

The Tokatoka resort was simple and sort of reminded me of chalet in Pasir Ris. But I guessed we can’t ask for too much for the price we paid. Wifi was chargeable but since we arrived around 5pm and the receptionist informed that the next day would be a better time to visit, we purchased a one day wifi usage, good for 2 devices, for FJD 25, which was about SGD17.

Tokatoka room.
Tokatoka room.
Separate toilet
Separate toilet
Separate shower.
Separate shower.
Villa external.
Villa external.
Kids pool within the resort.
Kids pool within the resort.

Went for dinner at the resort as there weren’t any places elsewhere to get a decent meal. Dinner costs about FJD80 with a beer, a little expensive but it’s resort food.

Dhal soup.
Dhal soup.
Fish special.
Fish special.
Chicken pasta.
Chicken pasta.

Spent the rest of the day in the room utilising the Wifi and catch up on sleep.