Greece 2011 Day 5 – Ferry to Mykonos and explore Mykonos

After arrival into Athens, upon leaving the airport, we got onto a taxi to bring us to our accommodation at Arion Hotel for one night. As we got closer to the hotel, we passed by streets withnseedy characters and prostitutes, where it seemed a little dangerous to be out. We made it to the hotel safely though.

The next day morning was a rush for the ferry to the islands! Our first stop was Mykonos and the Blue Sea ferry ship would depart at 735am. We had to be there 1 hour before departure and thankfully, the subway started really early. Taking the M1 green line from Monastriaki to Piraeus, we arrived near the port and started to looked for the ship.

Panorama of the Syros port en-route to Mykonos
Panorama view from the windmills
Swimming pool but it was too cold to swim.