The sun rays peeked into the gap between the curtains and the wall and I woke up quickly to close it up further in order not to wake up the baby. I proceeded to the living room and welcomed the sight that we had wished since the day of arrival – clear skies. That meant a beautiful sunrise as well. Shot some photos before going back to bed.

Didn’t really sleep long before I got up and started preparing baby K’s pasta for the day. Learning from the previous day, I prepared all the ingredients quickly and started to cook them too. Also, make used of the dishwasher to make cleaning easier.
Wife woke up next while baby K continued to snooze. We got ready whenever possible and ate our cold sandwiches bought from the day before. When baby K woke, it was only just the bathing required and then we were good to go. Today was the earliest that we left the hotel, at about 11am.
Our destination for today was Caversham wildlife park, at swan valley. It was a 30mins drive but was pretty straight forward. The park was actually located within a village that had a couple of other attractions such as museum. It was also quite a distance from the main road, almost 3km after turning in.

There were quite a number of carparks but those nearer to the entrance were full. Parked the next nearest one available and bought the 2 tickets for $26 each.
The impression of the exhibits here was that there were many birds. Maybe we have seen too many of these sanctuaries so it didn’t impressed. What was different were probably the animal farm show that was pretty good. It showcased sheep herding by sheep dogs, wool shearing, cracking the whip and milking the cow. There was another koala photo taking exhibit that showed a number of them sleeping and of easy location for photos. Then there was meeting the other animals in a huge barn where there was a quoll, possum, some birds, a python and main star, a wombat, for photos.

I was wearing just a polo Tee thinking that the sun would hold up and the temperature would become warmer and nicer. It didn’t. In fact, it went the opposite and it got really cold. Luckily we did dressed the baby up with multiple layers. After taking some wefies with the free roaming kangaroos at the field, especially with a white colour one, we quickly left.
There weren’t anything to eat at the center itself so we went back to the car first, fed baby K while my wife got busy with expression before leaving for the only cafe in the area, Village cafe. Ordered All day brekkie and wife had a fish burger and we left with some cakes for possible picnic later.

Next stop was Kings park and I pumped gas enroute. Pumped once and the nozzle sprung back, so I thought it was full. After paying $16 for it, I only found the tank less than 3/4 and I had to return at least 3/4. Pumped again with the nozzle slightly withdrawn and it was another $17, this time it was full, more than I needed to return. Too bad.
Entering Perth City, the drizzle started to come again and we thought it was really bad luck that we couldn’t visit the park and have a picnic there. After reaching the carpark, the rain was still coming down. As the sun started to set, a rainbow came out over Perth city. It was not too bad to have that drizzle now it seemed.

We moved on to another carpark that had a better viewpoint of the riverside. While baby K was being fed in the car, I explored the area and taking photos of the war memorial that was there. After baby K was done, we went around again, without the rain and with the sunset giving a nice hue to the clouds, it was indeed a nice view to bring home for us.

Left after a short walk as it was really cold and then an easy 10mins drive back to the hotel. Unload the family first before going around to park the car. I was unable to buy parking tickets. Maybe it was Sunday.
We ordered in room dining to avoid thinking where to get dinner or how to cook one, it costed $71 for a chicken schnitzel and a duck confit. We cooked our own salmon leftover from baby K’s food preparation. Then it was the same routine plus the packing of everything including the purchases that we had for the trip.

Tried to sleep early but we couldn’t get baby K to do so. He fell from the bed after climbing over the pillow wall we made around him on the bed and bumped his head but was lucky that the carpet cushioned the impact. He wasn’t crying a lot so it seemed ok. Still concerned, we might get a brain scan once back.
Another sleeping at 12midnight routine, but it was going to be a early wake up call tomorrow as we would be heading home.