The daily alarm sounded at 7 and I woke almost immediately to make milk for K whom was a little restless (heard something about not wanting to sleep anymore in the middle of the night) and milk could get him to continue to sleep. Soon after drinking, true enough K continued to sleep. I continued to blog, trying to keep up with backlog by writing on the day itself or on the day that just past, so that I could put it on as soon as I return back to Singapore. I woke mommy up at 830 and she started to prepare meal for K for the journey today. I packed the rest of the items into the luggage as much as I could.
When we were done, we tried to get K out of bed who was still sleeping soundly. Quickly replaced his diapers and changed him out of his pyjamas before we got out of the apartment at 930am. The breakfast was provided for free at the accommodation and was on the 2nd level where the landlord stayed. We met her at the door and when given a choice to sit outside or inside, mommy chose inside, afraid of the morning chill.

There was a huge rectangular wooden table and prepared for us on nice glass cups were bowls of cut fruits. K had the same but with only rock melon and kiwi. There was also a large jar of cereal and a cup of cold milk for K to eat, which he took a little as he rather spend time exploring the place, trying to play with the toys that belonged to the landlords’ children. Fortunately there was another pail of blocks that the landlord so kindly offered K to play. We had a long breakfast, chatting with the hosts as they spoke about different people and their different lives and what they did before while we shared ours and ate the yummy multigrain toast with butter. After finishing with my coffee and my wife with her tea, it was already 1030am and we bid farewell to them and their shy daughter whom was celebrating her 3rd year old birthday and offered K a chocolate cupcake to takeaway.
We continued to pack as I finished up the luggage and mommy finished up packing the meals into the containers (and K his cupcake) we only manage to leave the apartment at 11am. Our initial plan was to visit the coastal town of Inverloch which was 1.5hrs away. Punched in the location on Google maps which mommy had downloaded the whole map already and we were on our way.
All seemed well and I drove within speed limits to avoid any road sickness but 30mins into the drive, K puked. We were prepared as mommy tried to catch whatever that came out with a plastic bag but there was still splashes in the car. Fortunately it wasn’t stinky, probably because what came out weren’t milk but the fruits that he ate. I stopped by the roadside for a quick clean up and then we were on our way.
K then fell asleep which was good, as that meant that I could speed up a little and not worry about the vomiting again. We then changed our minds to visit squeaky beach instead, as that was at a much further distance, 2hrs additional to be exact. It was a very long drive, mostly on single lane roads and as at some places, there were multiple bends. Along the way, there weren’t much views to mention about, the usual rural ones like farms with horses, large green grassland dotted with houses. Mommy too fell asleep in between as I drove. The irritating thing was the weather, it seemed to be either raining most of the way or gloomily cloudy.
I tried to get to a station close to the park to get lunch for ourselves, so as to minimize stoppage and disturbance to K. But the whole journey I couldn’t see any, and the last big town was a fish creek which we left for 20mins already so I was a little worried. Thankfully at Yanakie there was supposedly a bakery (which was closed on arrival) and a Lance Moon park with a playground and most importantly, a tiny Shell station with a shop that sold warm pastries. K played in the playground even though it was cold and the wind was merciless but he couldn’t do the slide as it was still wet from the rain. After convincing him to leave, we stopped by the station stall to buy hotdog bun and pie for aud12. I didn’t think we needed to pump any gas now and wasn’t sure if it was too expensive to pump here and so continued our drive to the national park.

We reached the entrance of the Wilson Promontory National park in about 15mins and as there were counters there, we thought we had to pay. The counters were closed but there were instructions on the board to pick up an info paper and also information saying that there was no need to pay for day visit. Then another 20mins of 30km drive within the nicer roads of the national park, this time flanked by lots of greens. K was well behaved, listening to children songs all the way till we reached the car park of squeaky beach.
It was already 230pm and we were all famished, especially K as he had vomited out his breakfast. We lunched in the car with the parents having the pastries and K having his chicken soup pasta. Although we wanted K to finish his food and not be hungry, we were worried that overeating can cause him to puke again on the return journey. We made sure that he was really satisfied before keeping the rest.
After we suited up, we walked the 300m to the beach, braving the very cold and strong wind. K had fun crossing the 2 small wooden bridge saying that he was scared to fall through the space between the planks but it was too small for that to happen. As we reached the beach, we found a huge area of sand and I carried K so that we could get slightly closer to the waters ( and the sandy areas looked a little wet). Thunderous waves were crashing onto shores which told us not to approach but the chilly wind coming from the sea did the job even better. There were some huge boulders near the shore, which reminded me of some beaches in Mauritius and could make a pretty picture. But most importantly we couldn’t hear squeaky sounds from the beach and felt cheated! This was the main reason why we came ( as who in the right frame of mind would visit the beach during winter?) curious to hear the beach squeak! K loved making footsteps on the sand but we could only stay 10mins before it was about the rain again. On the way back, K again wanted to cross the wooden bridge on his own and the skies held till we got back to the car.

We played the children’s music ( the one mommy had in the phone and was playing it from the park to the national park) in the car before starting the long way back. Just minutes from the carpark were 2 viewpoints where I alighted to snap quick pictures before jumping back to the car. Then the next stop was back at the playground. We wanted to break the journey to minimize puking, and I thought I would just pump gas. Dropped off K and mommy at the playground and I went to pump gas myself. At aud1.28/ liter, the tank was full which ended up with Aud30 costs. I bought drinks for about aud6 and left for the playground. Spend some time with K on the swings and we left after 20mins spent there.

It was the same route back and it was a really long drive, my back already aching. We passed through the town of Inverloch but we weren’t stopping. It was a race against the Sun which set at 6pm as we didn’t like driving in darkness. Days were especially short during winter and nothing much could be achieved in this short period. K fell asleep 30mins from arriving into Philip island, after munching on some cracker and cheese. Relieved to see the bridge linking the main island to Phillip island and we arrived at Coles supermarket at about 630pm, already dark and the town already looked dead. Mommy got off to shop first while I waited in the car with K, whom woke up after a while. Since I knew mommy would take quite a while, I brought K to the supermarket too, and it was huge. There were 2 buttons on the wall near the frozen chill fridge that had sounds of chicken and cow when pressed and K had some fun pressing them there. I tried to look for beer but couldn’t find them.

We drove to the Seahorse motel some minutes drive away and mommy got off to check in at the recept. It was a single storey apartment with a carpark in front of it, like a chalet. I felt it was quite a nice accommodation, which even came with a kitchen and a backyard with tables to chill.

Mommy prepare dinner while I went to the recept to buy wifi (as indicated in the guest info book) for aud2 each device for the entire stay but was given free. I also got a picture of a seahorse for K to do some coloring. Returning back to the apartment K spent some time on YouTube which we promised to let him watched. But we were finding it hard for him to keep his promise on the length of time spent on the device.
Mommy cooked macaroni for all for dinner, difference was ours came with sauce and tomato soup while K was plain with chicken and carrot soup. After dinner, I bathed K and even though I managed to warm up the room closest to the toilet, it was still cold as he left the tub, shivering. K had some FaceTime with granny and more video time after his bath (and again having trouble returning the phone to us) and it was bedtime stories before lights off at 11pm.
Thought you might like to know (and for future readers to be aware) – Squeaky Beach only squeaks when the sand is dry. You would not have heard any squeak at all in wet weather.
Hey thanks for that! Yeah, we only sort of found out when we got back home and googled about it.