A brief summary on the itinerary
Total duration 4D3N
Singapore is 1hr ahead of Koh Samui.
Flight time is 1.5hrs on Silkair codeshare from Singapore to Koh Samui and return flight on Bangkok Airways.
Morning flight on 26th November at 10.25am and arrival in Koh Samui at 11.05am.
Return flight is on the 29th November at 1.30pm and arrival in Singapore at 4:20pm.
Day 1 Arrival at Koh Samui
Day 2 Samui Aquarium and Tiger Zoo and Bophut Fisherman’s Village
Day 3 Big Buddha, Wat Plai Laem, Lamai Viewpoint and Grandparent’s rocks
Day 4 Home Sweet Home
This escape plan was to plan as a getaway to celebrate my baby boy’s first birthday. We chose a chill-at-the-resort holiday plan for this trip and one that gives my baby his first experience of swimming in a pool. Koh Samui was chosen because of its short flight time and unlike Phuket which could be a little rowdy, my impression of Koh Samui was that it was a little more high class and therefore, better for a baby. Plus it was off season so prices were lower and more affordable.
Although the flight tickets were initially cheaper than the usual astronomical rates, I had bought the tickets wrongly online, mistaking the only option as the one that I wanted. In the end the change of the tickets was about $150 additional per person.
Taxis were really expensive comparatively in Koh Samui and if we had gotten ourselves a rental car, that could have saved us some money.
Our total spendings was about 500SGD for the whole trip.
The usual mode of travelling was either by taxi or by rented vehicles. Many rented motorcycles for its affordability and portability. We rented a car for a day and found it not too difficult to drive around, just that parking could be a challenge.
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