A brief summary on the itinerary
Total duration 5D4N
Singapore is in the same time zone as Hong Kong.
Flight time is 4hrs on Cathay Pacific from Singapore to Hong Kong.
Afternoon flight on 24th September at 12pm and arrival in Hong Kong at 5pm.
Return flight is on the 28th September at 3:20pm and arrival in Singapore at 7:20pm.
Day 1 Arrival at Hong Kong
Day 2 Prada Outlet and Bon Jovi Concert
Day 3 Macau City and Victoria Park
Day 4 Tin Lung Heen and shopping
Day 5 Home Sweet Home
This escape plan was to attend the Bon Jovi Concert since their last concert in Singapore some 20 years ago. I didn’t want to attend the F1 one thinking that it won’t be a official full concert and thankfully so, with the haze that was around during this time. At the same time, with a Hari Raya Haji on Thursday, a 2 days leave would have yielded 5 days of holidaying.
Travelling in Hong Kong and Macau can be affordable if we had taken the cheaper alternatives of staying outskirts, taking free buses, eating cheap food etc. This itinerary wasn’t so basically due to attending a concert in Macau and having expensive dim sum at a 2 Michelin starred restaurant at 102nd floor of Ritz Carlton. For a one time experience, why not.
Major places of interests were well connected to the MTR in Hong Kong. Macau was well served with free hotel buses and public transport. Taxis were inexpensive too.
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